

Floating Therapy / Services

Offering a holistic approach to Physical, Mental and Emotional Health

Open Float Tank

Our Open concept Mandala Float tank contains 1400lbs of Epsom Salt in the 11″ depth solution. This tank is great for Couples to float together, those with mobility restrictions, if you are claustrophobic or wish to keep an underwater light on during the float. The tank offers meditation music and guided meditation or silence during the float experience.

Oasis Float Tank

The Oasis tank is the tried & true traditional float tank, with over 30years in service this style has been used in float centres for decades. Don’t let the look fool you this tank is 8ft long by 4ft wide and 4.5ft tall. The door can be closed for a true sensory deprivation experience, alternatively left propped open or all the way. The tank offers meditation music or silence during your float session.

Halotherapy Salt Room

Our Salt room is a multi purpose space used for Halotherapy treatments, group gatherins, Mom & Babe classes and guided meditation. With 1000lbs of Himalayan salt on the floor for a grounding experience, the halogenerator blow micronized salt into the air to breathe in during the treatment. The salt particles help clear the respiratory system, reduce inflammation and boost the immune system.

Infrared Sauna

The Infrared Sauna features Chromotherapy (colour light therapy) to help aide in mood enhancement during your session. Infrared sauna are typically preferable to traditional dry or steam sauna as they do not require the intensity of heat or need to sweat as it works by penetrating into the skin and warming from the inside. Infrared sauna helps activate the lymphatic system, flushing the body of toxins and increasing overall health.

Fire & Ice

Infrared Sauna and Cold Plunge also known as the Nordic Cycle is a great way to regulate your immune system, cold tolerance and reduce inflammation

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Physical, mental & emotional health.