
Fire & Ice

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Contrast therapy of Fire & Ice also known as the Nordic Cycle (Hot, Cold, Rest) allows for ultimate relaxation, recovery and reset.

Infrared saunas use light wavelengths that deeply penetrate the skin, heating the body up from the inside. The average infrared sauna heats to about 55 degrees C. We recommend 20minutes in the Infrared Sauna and a quick 2-4 minute cold plunge. The time will vary based on your experience and tolerance, the most important thing is to focus on your breathing and not extend time. Doing too long or too cold can make it difficult for your bodies internal furnace to reheat and regulate temperature.

Both sauna and cold plunge are not without risk, anytime you elevate or lower your core temp you need to make sure your body can handle the stress. For that reason there are some restrictions.
For your first session with us you will be limited to 2 minutes in the cold plunge and we will be there counting your 30second markers, encouraging deep slow regulated breathing as sometimes people will panic when first getting into the cold. Regulating your breath will make a huge difference.
What to Bring
-Bathing Suit (mandatory)
-Flip Flops optional

What we provide
-Towels & Robes

-You must be able to enter/exit the cold plunge unassisted
-No open wounds or fresh tattoo’s
-No hair dye bleeding or spray tans that will stain tank/towels
-Use proper swim protocol if on your cycle
-No drug or alcohol influence
-Communicable disease not allowed
-Fever, Cough, Diarrhea you must be 72hrs symptom free
-Pregnancy: we ask you not plunge in your first trimester or after 36weeks. If you have been deemed high risk you should not use these services
MEDICAL CONDITIONS (you will require physician approval, we reserve the right to override and refuse service)
-Cardiovascular – history of heart attack, stroke, hypertension, pacemaker, defibrillator or congestive heart failure
-Seizures within the previous year not permitted
-Immune Suppression, Cancer and Chemotherapy: you must wait minimum 4weeks after last treatment and be cleared by your oncologist
-You can not use these services while actively on chemo or radiation treatment
-Conditions like Raynauds, Peripheral Neuropathy or sensitivity to temperature change will not be allowed to use sauna or cold plunge.

*must be over the age of 16 years old to use the sauna or cold plunge and we recommend medical clearance over the age of 65